“Eternal realities must be held before the mind’s eye, and the attractions of the world will appear as they are–altogether profitless…. We are pilgrims and strangers who are waiting, hoping, and praying for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If we believe this and bring it into our practical life, what vigorous action would this faith and hope inspire, what fervent love one for another; what careful holy living for the glory of God; and … what distinct lines of demarcation would be evidenced between us and the world!” –That I May Know Him, p. 357.
Our thoughts, desires, and hopes shape our daily lives in an imperceptible way, even as we tend to conform to the circumstances, events, and situations in which we find ourselves. Therefore, it is very important to consider the moment in which we are living, for we are surrounded by unprecedented changes in society. Soon God will intervene directly on earth, and we need to consider the implications of this in our own existence, especially on the highest lev- el–the spiritual level. For instance, what priorities drive my decisions? How do I plan my life with God now and forever? What is my level of spirituality? These and other important questions need to be answered clearly and decisively for the new year ahead. Both practical and spiritual aspects of the present and the future are fundamental in the attitude that we will have as prophecies are fulfilled before our eyes. Do I know what events lie just ahead? What do I think about the current and coming crises? Our answers must be clear, for the Bible declares: “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.” Luke 12:35, 36.
“Now is the time to prepare for the coming of our Lord. Readiness to meet Him cannot be attained in a moment’s time. Preparatory to that solemn scene there must be vigilant waiting and watching, combined with earnest work. So God’s children glorify Him. Amid the busy scenes of life their voices will be heard speaking words of encouragement, faith, and hope. All they have and are is consecrated to the Master’s service….” –God’s Amazing Grace, p. 353.
The days dedicated to the Week of Prayer are special opportunities to assemble together in church, in homes, or virtually. With a spirit of reverence, a willingness to learn, and a desire to participate actively, let each one pray earnestly and share his or her thoughts regarding the subject matter of the Readings. The last Sabbath will be a day of fasting, prayer, and giving. The Reading on that day should be presented as the sermon for the second service and conclude with the gathering of the special offering dedicated to the opening and support of new fields by the General Conference. Please place your contribution in an envelope on which you write a Bible verse that expresses your spiritual desire and experience. “Both riches and honour come of Thee, and Thou reignest over all; and in Thine hand is power and might; and in Thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.” 1 Chronicles 29:12.
–The brothers and sisters of the General Conference