SSL 2021 – 1st Half
1 – The Prophetic Word Is a Light
2 – A Lost Opportunity and Its Results
3 – The Captivity of Judah
4 – At the Babylonian Court
5 – A Panoramic Dream
6 – God Honors Those Who Honor Him
7 – The Prophetic Dream
8 – The Prophetic Dream, Continued
9 – The Jewish People in the Medo-Persian Empire
10 – Subsequent Empires
11 – Fall of the Roman Empire
12 – The Everlasting Kingdom
13 – A Fiery Test
14 – A Wonderful Revelation of Divine Power
15 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Pride and Humiliation
16 – Belshazzar’s Sacrilege
17 – In the Lions’ Den
18 – Another Power
19 – The Little Horn
20 – A Struggle for Power
21 – Rise of the Papacy
22 – Response to a Humble Prayer
23 – Light Imparted to a Humble Petitioner
24 – The Time of His Judgment Has Come
25 – War in the Invisible World
26 – Daniel’s Last Vision

SSL 2021 – 2nd Half
1 – Divine Promise and Origin
2 – Miraculous Deliverance
3 – Traveling under Divine Protection
4 – Gift of the Law
5 – God’s Covenant with His People
6 – Positioned around the Sanctuary
7 -The Priestly Ministry
8 – Under God’s Government
9 – Origin of the Monarchy
10 – Schism in Israel
11 – Parable of the Vineyard
12 – Disobedience and Consequences
13 – The Remnant and a New Beginning
14 – Apple of His Eye
15 – Foundation of the Church
16 – The Church’s Mission
17 – The Early Church
18 – God’s People as His Flock
19 – Promises for the Little Flock
20 – As an Olive Tree
21 – The Church as a Temple
22 – The Church as the Bride
23 – The Church as Jesus’ Body
24 – The Body of Christ
25 – A Remnant Will Be Saved
26 – A People with a Mission