Know Your Bible Study Course
WELCOME to the study of the Bible in the ‘Know Your Bible Correspondence Course’. It has been specially prepared to help you “get into” your own Bible. And the subjects you will delve into concern not just your happiness right now but, even more importantly, your eternal destiny.
Visit Know Your Bible Study Course >>>


New Horizons Bible Study Course
This our latest and advanced bible study course. Learn in more details what is God’s plan for your life.
Visit New Horizons Bible Study Course >>>


Reformation Study Course
This course may well have a profound effect on your spiritual experience in the present truth of the three angels’ messages. The Reformation Study Course has been prepared under much prayer and is sent to you in the fear of the Lord in the belief that what is offered here is of the greatest value to every sincere Seventh-day Adventist.
Visit Reformation Study Course >>>


Miracle Makeover Correspondence Course
Welcome to the Miracle Makeover Correspondence Course. We are glad that you have chosen to take this Course because it just may well prove to be the first step to a completely new life for you. There are so many health problems in our increasingly polluted environment that we have to become creative and positive in our food and lifestyle choices. This Course is designed to help you to make those choices in the most time and cost-efficient manner.
Visit Miracle Makeover Correspondence Course >>>


Week of PrayerWeek of Prayer Readings
Read online Week of Prayer Readings which includes all readings from various year. Week of Prayer is the first week of December each year. In this week to concentrate more on God’s Word and on the special reading theme for this year.
Week of Prayer Readings >>>


ssl2015Sabbath School Lessons

Study online the Sabbath School Lessons week by week since 2001. Learn and Bible studying various topics and grow in knowledge and experiences with the Lord.
Sabbath School Lessons >>>