Hypoglycemia means literally, “low blood sugar” and diabetes is “high blood sugar” due to the body no longer being able to handle the excess amounts of sugar continually dumped into the bloodstream. Hypoglycemia is a precursor condition to diabetes in that the pancreas, adrenal glands and cells finally become exhausted and are no longer able to respond to the demand to produce insulin or provide “cell-receptor sites” for the insulin; thus, diabetes results from the persistent neglect of the hypoglycemic condition. Seldom heard of just a few years ago, today more and more physicians are finding that many of the patients that had mysterious problems are actually hypoglycemic. It only takes a minute to look at the myriad of symptoms to understand why this disorder can be masked and misdiagnosed.
Headaches | Overactive child | Sudden Fatigue |
Irritability | Insomnia | Asthma |
Anxiety | Hay Fever | Depression |
Crying Spells | Hives | Sinusitis |
Sudden Hunger | Reduced Sex Drive | Exhaustion |
Easily Angered | Digestive Disorders | Inability to concentrate |
Colitis | Cold Sweats | Shortness of breath |
Cold extremities | Blurred vision | Eczema |
Craving for sweets, alcohol, coffee, and soft drinks are also symptoms. Eating sweets or smoking will temporarily relieve symptoms.
After reading that list of symptoms, one could say: “But that just about covers everybody.” The unfortunate situation is that a tremendous number of people are hypoglycemic and never know it. They mask the symptoms by excessive eating of sweets, drinking alcohol, consuming large amounts of coffee, or smoking continually. Others are being treated for ulcers, gastritis, “nerves”, mental problems, heart disease, and any number of other “misdiagnoses”.
The condition of hypoglycemia, depressed adrenal function (or functional hypoglycemia), can be complex to understand if all the involved mechanisms in the body are detailed. For purposes of easy comprehension, we shall use an “overview” to explain what occurs. The body is really not set up to handle concentrated sugars – which too often make up a large part of our diets. Although sugar is the fuel on which our entire body runs, the use of a concentrated form such as pastries, pies, sugar coated cereals, candies, etc., overloads the delicate control mechanism and the pancreas overreacts by producing too much insulin, which will again cry out for food and too often a wrong choice is made when this need is acute. Thus, a vicious circle is established with side effects of malnutrition and all the attendant symptoms resulting from it. The malnutrition occurs because too little vitamin and mineral containing vegetables, fruits and grains are used. Instead, the convenience-type foods take over a large percentage of the daily intake – and these are notorious for having nutrients processed out, or even non-existent to begin with. They are, in fact, often called “junk” foods.
The sugar which the body cannot use as energy, when it has been acted upon by insulin, will be converted to glycogen, which is the “instant reserve fuel” for the body, and is stored in the liver and muscles; or what cannot be stored as glycogen will be converted to fat. This can be one of the major causes of uncontrollable weight gain for certain individuals.
Conversion Mechanism
In normal body function, there is a conversion mechanism, which protects us against the rapid drop of blood sugar such as in the aforementioned situation. The adrenal glands, which are the stress response glands, secrete a hormone which begins the change process of glycogen back to glucose. This same response is brought into play when fear, anger, or emergency situations call for great strength. Such an expenditure of energy requires lots of fuel, so glycogen from the liver and muscles is immediately turned into glucose.
If the glycogen conversion mechanism is not working well, the body has a backup mechanism. This consists of the conversion of amino acids and triglycerides into a fuel. Amino acids are capable of being converted to glucose but do so at the expense of tissue repair, making of enzymes, hormones and other essential processes which require amino acids. Since it is a kind of emergency assistance you can easily imagine how the body suffers if this must take place on a continual basis.
The important thing to remember is that all these mechanisms are dependent upon hormones, and particularly upon adrenal hormones. Many physicians are convinced that the single most common cause of hypoglycemia is a poorly functioning adrenal system. Sluggish adrenals can cause a slow conversion of glycogen to glucose in time of need, and if that occurs the craving for something sweet becomes overpowering.
Assuming that you were not born hypoglycemic, what causes some to become victims of this disorder and others escape? The mechanism of hypoglycemia goes something like this:
1. Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates.
2. Rapid rise in blood sugar with resultant excess production of insulin.
3. Rapid decline in blood sugar because of the excess insulin which can result in below normal blood sugar levels.
4. Adrenal response to convert glycogen to sugar for emergency.
5. Repeat above pattern many times a day.
6. Adrenals and pancreas get tired – don’t respond as quickly.
7. Emergency! body in danger of fainting, need sugar fast!
8. Person eats or drinks a high sugar containing product.
9. Blood sugar rises rapidly and cycle starts all over again. (Finally, the adrenals and pancreas become exhausted – no longer capable of making the necessary insulin to convert the sugar into glycogen and then you have diabetes).
Symptoms of Diabetes
The symptoms of diabetes often are subtle in the beginning stages, but here are some very excellent questions which might lead one to have a test for diabetes.
In the past two months have you:
1. Been unusually thirsty?
2. Been passing more urine than normal?
3. Noticed that small wounds heal slowly?
4. Been unusually tired?
5. Had others tell you that your breath smelled acid?
6. Been more prone to infections than usual?
7. Lost weight other than through restriction of food?
8. Had an unexplained loss of sexual desire?
If your answer to one or more of these questions is yes, you may wish to have a blood test for excess sugar.
What is Insulin?
In order to understand diabetes, the most frequently related word is insulin. This hormone, produced by the pancreas, has a very important function. Many think that it “burns up” glucose in the blood stream. It does not! The easiest description we have for insulin is that of a doorman at a very elegant hotel, who wishes to show you the way to your destination. Insulin acts to “open the door” of the cell so glucose may enter. If the glucose is ushered into a muscle cell, it may be combined with oxygen to create energy with the waste products of carbon dioxide and water remaining, or if it enters a muscle cell that is not in need of energy at that time, the glucose may be converted to glycogen, which is an inert storage form of glucose capable of being changed back to glucose when energy is needed.
If no energy is needed and if the glycogen warehouses are full, the glucose will end up in a fat cell where it is converted to triglycerides; the storage fat which the body accumulates in times of plenty. Under certain circumstances this can happen right in the liver (the conversion of glucose to triglycerides), and the resulting fats are poured into the blood stream, often creating a “sludgy” effect which can create oxygen problems.
But, you might ask, if diabetes is an increase above normal in the glucose level and if 50% or more of the diabetics have normal insulin, what is happening? Good question! The most accepted answer is that the insulin receptors (you might compare them with door knobs on a door) become insulin resistant and the hormone just can’t get its job done. Glucose begins to pile up in the blood, the body tries to dump it via the urine so you begin to drink more water in a desperate effort to flush the potentially dangerous ingredient out through the kidneys.
The Insulin Receptor Site
There are several receptor sites on each normal cell, but as a fat cell gets larger the number of sites decrease, conversely, as one loses weight, the reverse occurs. One research paper indicated that a reduction in weight by 10 percent increased the insulin receptor site availability by a factor of ten.
Recent attention has focused upon a little known mineral which lies at the center of a molecular structure which facilitates the transfer of glucose into the cell. Although total mechanisms are not fully understood, GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor) appears to be a mediator between the insulin and the insulin receptors on the cell. It is made up of the mineral chromium, two glutamic acids and three niacins. Primary grown yeast is the best natural source of GTF, about two tablespoons a day seems to be adequate. Many report excellent results with the mineral chromium all by itself. Some very surprising responses have been demonstrated with the use of either the yeast compound or the mineral chromium.
It has been so effective for some who were taking insulin, that they wound up in the hospital with acute hypoglycemia, when they took a dosage of four or more tablespoons of yeast! This only proves that the diabetes in that individual was not due to a lack of insulin but due to a lack of insulin receptor sites in good working order. It is good common sense, if you are taking insulin, that you institute corrective measures which might be suggested in this lesson, with caution. Know the signs of an overdosage of insulin – nervousness, trembling, rapid breathing, damp sweaty skin, and finally unconsciousness. The immediate treatment for this is some form of readily available sugar – particularly if the patient loses consciousness. Ordinary table sugar under the tongue works well in an emergency. (It is better than orange juice for example, because the fluid could enter the lung and create more problems.) When changing your diet radically or instituting any other change in life- style, the insulin-taking diabetic should always be alert for signs of body changes, and possibly adjust their insulin intake accordingly.
Most biological doctors specializing in diabetes agree that diabetes is a “prosperity” disease, primarily caused by systematic overeating and resultant obesity. Four out of five diabetics were overweight before diabetes was diagnosed. Not only the overeating of sugar and refined carbohydrates, but also of protein and fats (which are transformed into sugar if eaten in excess), is harmful, and may lead to diabetes. Too much food taxes the pancreas and eventually paralyzes its normal activity. Diabetes is unknown in countries where people can’t afford to overeat.
Dietary Considerations
Consequently, the number one dietary consideration for diabetes or hypoglycemia must be a strict, lacto-vegetarian, low calorie, alkaline diet of high quality natural foods. Plenty of whole grains, especially buckwheat, and raw vegetables – especially Jerusalem artichokes and green beans – and fruits, especially grapefruits and bananas. Contrary to popular notion, fruits are beneficial in the diabetic’s or hypoglycemic’s diet. Fresh fruits contain sugar, actually fructose which does not need insulin for its metabolism, and is well tolerated by all “sugar patients”. Be sure that no dried fruits are eaten since they have too concentrated sugars in them. Only after the condition is gotten under control should any of the “sweet fruits” be eaten also. (These include dates, figs and grapes.)
Natural carbohydrate foods are necessary in the diet of diabetics and hypoglycemics. The “sugar patient” does need carbohydrates, but they must be natural, unrefined, slow-digesting carbohydrates, such as whole grains, especially buckwheat, millet and oats.
Emphasis should be on raw foods. About 80 percent of the diet should be raw. Raw foods stimulate the pancreas and increase insulin production. For protein: legumes, nuts and grains in combination are best with a little yogurt. Also, avocados are excellent.
Avoid overeating. Three or four small meals a day are better than two large meals. Avoid all refined carbohydrates, such as sugar and white flour, and everything made with them. Avoid salt.
Diabetics and hypoglycemics have a tendency for overacidity because of slowed down protein and fat metabolism. Therefore, the diet should be alkaline, with emphasis on alkaline foods: vegetables, fruits, yogurt, legumes and nuts. Cucumbers, stringbeans, Jerusalem artichokes and garlic are especially beneficial. Garlic has been shown to be able to reduce blood sugar in diabetes.
Biological Treatments
1. Lots of exercise is the most important single thing, aside from dietary restrictions, that a diabetic or hypoglycemic can do to help himself. Hard exercise in fresh air, such as sports, jogging, swimming, and hard physical labor will help to keep “the fire of the metabolic processes burning fast”. Heavy physical work and strenuous sports diminish the need for insulin.
2. Fasting is usually not advisable for diabetics or hypoglycemics. For obese sugar patients, a short juice fast is possible, but only under a doctor’s control.
3. Avoid all mental and nervous stresses and strains, which have a detrimental effect on the condition.
4. Avoid constipation.
5. Use dry brush massage twice a day (always brushing toward the heart – starting at the extremities and working inward). It will improve metabolism and circulation, so vital for the sugar patient.
6. Prevalence of diabetes is higher in soft water areas. Diabetics, and those who wish to prevent diabetes, should drink naturally hard, heavily mineralized water, which contains chromium and other trace elements. Clinical studies have demonstrated that an ample supply of trace minerals, particularly chromium and manganese, is important for effective glucose utilization. Chromium aids in metabolism of excess sugar. Two milligrams of supplementary chromium can be given for six months, preferably in combination with manganese and other trace elements.
Suggested Vitamins & Supplements (Daily)
Chromium supplement (or Glucose Tolerance Factor if available) – 2 mg. for six months. If not available, brewer’s yeast is a rich source.
Manganese, or comprehensive trace element formula containing manganese
Brewer’s yeast – 3 to 5 tbsp.
F, unsaturated fatty acids (extremely important) – 6 capsules or 2 tbsp. of cold-pressed vegetable oil
C – 1,000 to 4,000 mg. | Potassium chloride – 300 mg |
E – 400 to 1,200 IU | Kelp – 1 tsp. of granular or 3 tablets |
Beta Carotene capsules | Garlic – fresh, raw or 3 to 5 capsules |
B-complex tablet (either 50 mg. or 100 mg.) | Lecithin – 2 Tbsp. |
For Hypoglycemia: vitamins C and B increase tolerance to sugars and carbohydrates and help to normalize sugar metabolism. Pantothenic acid, B-6 and B-complex help to build up adrenals, which are often exhausted in persons with hypoglycemia. Vitamin E improves glycogen storage in the muscles and tissues. Potassium and sea water can help to normalize mineral balance and supply essential trace elements which are involved in sugar metabolism.
Juices (Freshly made, raw only): Stringbean juice, parsley, Jerusalem artichoke, cucumber, celery, watercress, lettuce, sauerkraut juice. Juice of onions and garlic can be added to other vegetable juices. Best fruit juices: citrus. Cucumber contains a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas in order to produce insulin. The natural hormones contained in onions and garlic are also beneficial in hypoglycemia and diabetes. Sweet juices should be diluted 50-50 with water, or drunk in small amounts only.
Herbs: Stringbeans, blueberry leaves, sinita (Sinita Organo), juniper berries (Juniperus Sabina Pinaceae), dandelion root, periwinkle, raspberry leaves, alfalfa, centaurea, comfrey root, (all of these are of great benefit in both Diabetes and Hypoglycemia). Stringbean pod tea is an excellent natural substitute for insulin and extremely beneficial in diabetes. The skins of the pods of green beans are very rich in silica and certain hormone substances which are closely related to insulin. One cup of stringbean skin tea is equal to at least one unit of insulin. The recommended dose: one cup of stringbean skin tea morning, noon and evening. (The hypoglycemic should not use this formula since he doesn’t need to lower his blood sugar any more but rather raise it.)
Specifics: Chromium, which helps even out the blood sugar metabolism. Stringbeans, cucumber, manganese, B-complex vitamins, brewer’s yeast, vitamins C and E, garlic. Small meals, no refined or processed carbohydrate foods, and plenty of strenuous exercise or heavy physical work.
1. One of the insidious side effects of diabetes is a threat of gangrene and possible amputation of the foot or lower leg. Dr. Wilfred E. Shute says that this can be successfully prevented, and the condition can even be corrected when the feet are already affected, with large doses of vitamin E, taken internally.
2. Blueberry leaf tea has been used for centuries in folk medicine for treatment of “sugar” diabetes. One cup of tea three times a day is the recommended dose.
3. Cactus pads (“de-spined” cactus leaves of Tuna and Nopal Cactus), are used by American desert Indians as a diabetes “cure”. It has been reported that cactus pads contain a huge amount of natural, organic insulin. Cactus pads can be eaten raw or cooked. Mexicans eat these de-spined leaves, with chili sprinkled on them, as a part of their regular diet. Also, Sinita (Sinita Organo), cactus plant native to Sonora, Mexico, contains natural insulin and is used widely to treat diabetes.
4. To correct an advanced diabetes by biological, herbal and nutritional means may take a long time. Milder cases normally respond well in a shorter period of time. If patient is using insulin or other related drugs, they should not be withdrawn abruptly, but the drug dosage should be decreased gradually as the blood sugar values improve, and the reaction of insulin withdrawal should be closely supervised by a physician.