Location: Edgewood Camp & Conference Centre
               49 Memorial St., Eden Mills ON, N0B 1P0 

Dates: Thursday August 9, (check in starts at noon) to Sunday August 12 check out mid afternoon.

The following charges are per person.

Per day attendance:
– $12 each adult per day.
– Children 5 to 12 years old: $6 each chid.
– Children up to 4 years old are free.

Per day & night accommodations:
– $28 each adult per night.
– $14 each Child 5 to 12 years old, per night.
– Children up to 4 years old are free.

Food: (Vegan cuisine)
Per Person Charges:
– Adults: $9 each meal (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner = $27)
– Children 5 to 12 years old: $5.00 each meal.
– Children up to 4 years old are free.

Note: On Sabbath, Per Day attendance and Lunch will be paid for by the Canadian Field.  This will be offset by funds received from a conference collection which will be held on Sabbath afternoon.

Reservation form for the Canadian Field Conference 2012