What is cancer? I am sure that we have all heard of this disease before. It is when a cell becomes abnormal in such a way that it cannot recognize its natural boundaries and is able to spread to distant sites in the body and divide in an uncontrolled way.

Cancer is a disease of civilization. It is the end result of health-destroying living and eating habits, which result in a biochemical imbalance and physical and chemical irritation of the tissues. In addition to an abundance of carcinogens in today’s food, water, air and environment, carcinogenic substances are also produced within the body as a result of deranged metabolism.

There has been a lot of research on cancer since it was first identified and a lot of progress has also been made, saving or prolonging many lives. But have you ever stopped to think that, “What is it that caused people to get cancer in the first place?” There are many types of cancers, caused by many different things which we will discuss here. There are the obvious causes like smoking – lung cancer and excessive sun exposure – skin cancer. There are many however that are not so obvious. And what is it that causes these obscure cancers in various parts of the body like: bladder, pancreas, breast, colon, bone marrow etc.? That is what we are going to discuss. It is not just fate.

Dr. Oliver Alabaster, Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of cancer research in George Washington University, says that there is evidence that 60% of cancer in women and 40% of cancer in men is caused BY DIET (that is a high percentage). He is not the only one who feels this way; other scientists have also made this connection. Well, what on earth are we eating that is causing cancer? or what are we NOT eating?

Have you ever stopped to think, “What are my risks of getting cancer?” “What am I doing in my life style that would possibly cause me to get cancer in the future, or have I not even thought about it?”

Why Do We Get Cancer?

There are several main causes:

– diet, (high amount of animal protein – especially meat, also lots of food additives – especially preservatives)

– tobacco smoke, (first hand or second hand)

– harmful UV rays

– working in industries that expose us to materials such as asbestos, chrome alloys, aniline dyes and polyvinyl chloride.

– exposure to ionizing radiation

What Are My Risks?

It is impossible to give precise statistical odds on you developing cancer. What is possible, is to give you a good idea of the scope of the cancer problem and to discuss the known risk factors in a way to help you minimize your risk of acquiring cancer.

According to the best estimates, more that 4 million people die each year from cancer world-wide. In the U.S.A., cancer causes about 20% of all deaths. In 1983 the predicted amount of new cases of cancer in the U.S.A. was 855,000 with an additional 400,000 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer which is easily treated. About 455,000 cancer deaths are also predicted despite access to the worlds’ most costly and sophisticated health care system.

Most Common Cancers in U.S.A.

Women: In 1983, breast cancer was the most common cancer; 26% of new cases of cancer in women were breast cancer and 18% of cancer deaths were from breast cancer. Second to that was colon and rectum cancer with 15% of the new cases and 15% of the cancer deaths from those causes. After that comes lung cancer, uterus and all the others follow.

Men: In 1983, the number one cancer for men was lung cancer with 22% of the new cancers being lung cancer and 35% of the cancer deaths coming from lung cancer. Prostate was number two with 18% of new cancers and 10% of cancer deaths coming from this cause. The third one was colon and rectum cancer with 14% of new cases and 12% of cancer deaths. etc.

So, it is interesting to note how colon and rectum cancer has such a high incidence and death rate. This goes to show us how important diet is in cancer prevention. Since whatever we eat goes through our colon and rectum therefore some things we are eating are causing us problems.

Risk Factors

As far as risk factors go, diet is one of the greatest risks causing 40 – 60% of cancer deaths. Whereas smoking is second on the list causing 25 – 35% of cancer deaths, followed by: hormonal status (about 6%), infection, occupation, pollution, radiation exposure, alcohol excess, drugs, and geographical environment of things that cause cancer.

These minor causes also do cause cancer so they are something to consider and beware of – the radiation, pollution etc. It is just that they haven’t caused as many cancer deaths, but they have caused cancer.

Lets discuss a few risk factors.

Diet: According to the American Cancer Society, it has been estimated that 35% -55% of all cancers could be eliminated by simple changes in the nations’ diet, using our current knowledge of risk factors. We will look at those dietary factors later in this lesson.

Smoking: Smoking is the major single cause of death from cancer in the U.S. with about 30% of deaths from cancer preventable if tobacco were not available. Instead, approximately 129,000 Americans will die unnecessarily of cancer each year because of smoking. Smoking is directly responsible not only for 85% of lung cancer deaths but 50 – 70% of deaths from oral laryngeal cancer, 50% of deaths from esophageal cancer, 30-40% of deaths from bladder and kidney cancer, and 30% of deaths from pancreatic cancer. All this from tobacco. Apart from cancer, smoking is also a major cause of premature deaths from heart attack.

Radiation: There is not a completely safe level of radiation. Most of radiation exposure comes from X-rays. It is estimated that more than 240 million X-rays are performed annually on the American public. The greatest X-ray exposure comes to some of us during cancer treatment and this can increase the risk of second cancers in some patients. In most cases, the benefits far outweigh the risks of second cancer, however the benefit may not always outweigh the risk. There is another thing to consider: when x-rays are combined with chemotherapy though, since the immune system is so suppressed by these two therapies combined.

Hormonal Factors: This is important, especially for women. Breast cancer is one of the major cancers in women. Here are a few points to consider.

1) Women who reach menopause without ever becoming pregnant have a high risk of breast cancer. The more children a woman has, the lower the risk.

2) Women who have never menstruated have a greater risk of getting cancer after age 55 than those who experience normal menstruation.

3) If menstruation is late or menopause is early, risk is reduced.

4) Use of birth control pills high in progesterone increases risk.

Some of these of course cannot be helped. If you fall into one of these categories just beware. Breast cancer is highly treatable if detected early.

Diet: What is it that we are eating that is causing us cancer?

Protein: Protein is very essential to our diet. Recent studies have shown though that we don’t need as much protein in our diet as was formerly taught.

A comprehensive study published in 1975 found that excessive protein is dangerous to health. This study examined people who developed 27 types of cancers in 23 countries. It was determined that national prosperity and excessive protein intake go together; logically the cancer rate was higher among this group of people.

“Studies done at the Max Planck Institute for Nutrition Research in Germany have revealed that, contrary to past beliefs, protein from many vegetable sources are superior or equal to animal proteins in their biological value – not inferior. Almonds, sesame seeds, soy beans, buckwheat, peanuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, potatoes and all leafy green vegetables contain complete proteins when combined properly….Proteins, essential and important as they are, can be extremely harmful when consumed in excess of your actual need. Especially an excess of animal protein.” What You Can Do to Prevent Cancer, p. 24

High Fibre Diet

What is Fibre? All fibre is derived from the cell walls of plants and it is this fibre that gives plants their firmness

What Can Fibre Do for us? They produce their most beneficial effect by absorbing waste. Thus increasing the bulk of the stool and causing softening, which in turn stimulates the intestine to move undigested food residues and wastes much faster.

Where Can We Obtain Fibre? Whole grains (brown rice, brown bread, whole wheat flour etc.), bran, vegetables (carrots, cabbage etc.), fruits (apples, pears, peaches etc.).

How Does it Help to Prevent Cancer? A high fibre diet causes a change in the nature of the bacteria that normally live in the gut; a change in the composition of the stool so that it contains less harmful bile acids. An increased binding of carcinogenic chemicals by fibre making them less harmful. A reduction in the absorption of harmful fats, and cholesterol. So in short, fibre absorbs water and waste matter, helping to pass any harmful chemicals, preservatives, fats etc. (that we’ve ingested), quicker. It waters them down so they aren’t as potent.


Vitamins are important to maintain general good health. The power of vitamins is so enormous that a chronic deficiency of minute quantities can cause the body to develop serious and even fatal diseases. It is only relatively recently that scientists have found evidence that the presence of certain of these vitamins in your daily diet can reduce your risk of cancer. They are all important for various reasons. Some are related to cancer.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A or Beta Carotene is the most important of all the vitamins that can protect us from cancer. Many studies have been done and most cancer patients were shown to be low in Vitamin A.

In Japan, where stomach cancer is rampant, a convincing study of 265,118 people showed that by taking 2 glasses of milk a day and including green and yellow vegetables in the daily diet, the risk of this fatal cancer was reduced considerably. This benefit was ascribed to Vitamin A. Many more similar studies have been done as well as laboratory studies, and Vitamin A has been found to be very important in its protective effect and treatment of cancer.

Vitamin C and E: These two are very important because of their anti-oxidant effect.

Antioxidants react with certain chemicals in the body (including potential carcinogens) preventing their oxidation into potentially harmful substances. This action is an effective way of destroying cancer-causing free radicals. Free radicals enter the body by interaction of oxygen with different kinds of fats or with certain toxic metals. Also the effects of UV rays, smog and radiation cause free radicals. Some of these are difficult to avoid (eg. smog) but taking extra vitamin C and E can help to destroy these free radicals. Vitamin A and Selenium are also antioxidants. Vitamin C is important in strengthening the immune system to help fight foreign substances that enter the body.

Food Additives

Food Additives make our food last longer, look more palatable and taste better. They improve the taste, texture and appearance of our food. Some are from natural sources, some are not. They are beneficial for food storage over extended periods of time. The food does not spoil as quickly because of them.

Can they cause cancer? God has given a certain length of time for food to remain nutritious. When it loses that nutritional value it begins to spoil and perhaps grow mold. This is showing that there is almost no vitamins left in the food. Then what happens when we lengthen the shelf life of food? The food does not spoil when the nutritional value has gone. Are we eating food which would normally have great nutritional value, (but because it has been left to sit too long and not spoiled due to preservatives) and now has no value? I am sure that we perhaps may have heard some of the controversies surrounding these additives such as: sulfites, nitrates etc. The controversies have not been resolved but yet they are still added to foods. Why endanger ourselves and our families with things that just cause the meat to look redder, etc.?

Artificial Sweeteners: Saccharin, Aspartame? Almost every toothpaste product on the market contains these two sweeteners. They are available almost everywhere. Much controversy has surrounded them also and we would be wise to steer clear of these dubious additions to the “modern life-style”.

Food Colouring: In the past 50 years at least 12 artificial colouring agents have been banned because they’ve been found to cause illness (including cancer) in laboratory animals. How many more will be found to be harmful in the future; ones that we are consuming now?

Food additives may be wonderful in preserving food but not so wonderful in preserving your body. Many times it is after the fact; after we have been using an additive for some time that scientists discover and expose the potential harmful effects of the agents we are using.


Therefore, the effective treatment for cancer must, in addition to any other internal or external specifics used (such as laetrile, tekarina, or hydrazine sulfate, for example), begin with total elimination of the basic causes of cancer – elimination of all environmental sources of carcinogens, such as smoking and carcinogenic chemicals in air, water and food, as much as possible. In addition, a complete change in diet is imperative. In the beginning, all animal proteins must be eliminated. You would be wise to try short, repeated juice fasts using especially wheat grass juice, red beet juice (from roots and tops), carrot, grape and generally all dark-colored juices, such as black cherries, black currants – all freshly made. Note: Fruit juices are best taken in the morning, and vegetable juices in the afternoon and evening. As condition improves, some raw goat’s milk, raw egg yokes and acidophilus milk, made from goat’s milk may be added to the diet. The diet must be a 100% natural raw food diet, with emphasis on raw fruits and vegetables, particularly red beets, plus a minimum requirement of high quality proteins mostly from vegetable sources such as almonds, buckwheat, millet, sesame seeds, and sprouted seeds and grains. All foods must be natural, whole, unprocessed and organically grown if at all possible, without man-made chemicals of any kind.

Almonds, as a protein source, are particularly recommended. No proteins should be eaten before 12 p.m. Breakfast should consist of fresh fruits and fruit juices. Lots of raw vegetable and fruit juices should be used daily, (being careful not to combine the fruits with the vegetables.)

The Anti-Cancer diet should contain a generous amount of foods rich in vitamins E and C and the trace mineral, Selenium – all natural antioxidants, which can help prevent the chromosome damage caused by carcinogens that leads to cancer.

Biological Treatments

1. If the patient is not too weak, a short 3-day cleansing fast on raw fruit and vegetable juices can be undertaken. To stimulate the liver and its detoxifying activity, red beet juice should be taken during fasting (1/2 glass three times a day), plus daily coffee enemas: one cup of strongly brewed coffee in 1 pint of water, used as a retention enema. Lactic acid fermented beet juice will markedly increase the oxygenation of the body cells.

After a short fast, which can be repeated after 3 or 4 weeks, the Optimum Vegetarian diet described earlier in the course should be maintained, with the emphasis on fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Seeds and grains are useful also, especially in sprouted form. As the patient improves, some cooked cereals, such as millet, whole rice, buckwheat, barley and oats can be included.

2. Plenty of rest, complete freedom from worries and mental stress, plenty of fresh, pure air day and night. If patient is strong, lots of exercise and walking; and generally health strengthening mode of living.

3. In many countries of the world, but not in North America, Laetrile (alias nitrilosides, amygdalin, or Vitamin B 17), a drug developed by Drs. Ernst Krebs Sr. and Jr., of the U.S., is used to treat cancer with reported success. Treatment is available in Mexico and many European countries.

4. Tekarina is another non-toxic, injectable material derived from seaweed and developed by G. Lo Monaco, of Mexico, which, according to reports, has shown a remarkably high rate of success. Tekarina acts as a powerful detoxifier and, thus, is useful in biological treatment of many other ailments.

5. Many doctors and clinics which specialize in cancer, use various vaccine-type drugs and/or practices to stimulate the body’s immunological response and increase its defensive and healing activity – thus helping the body to heal itself. (Of particular note is over-heating therapy, which is used to help stimulate the body’s immune response.)

Suggested Vitamins and Supplements (Daily)

The Multiple Vitamin-Mineral that you should already be taking will be an excellent base from which to work nutritionally.

C and A in mega doses: C-up to 5,000 mg. : A – preventative dose 50,000 I.U. (Beta Carotene form) (If subjected to strong carcinogens – 100,000 I.U. of A. In a short therapeutic program- up to 2 months – 25,000 I.U. of vitamin A after that.)

B-3 (Niacin or niacinamide) 100 mg.

B-complex, high potency, natural

E – up to 1,200 I.U.

Note: Vitamins E and B-complex are particularly important in cirrhosis of the liver.

Choline – 500 to 1,000 mg.

B-15 100 mg. (50 mg. in morning; 50 mg. at bedtime)

Brewer’s yeast- 3-4 tbsp.

Note: Recent studies, performed at Zurich University and in London Polytechnic, showed that brewer’s or food yeast gives improved resistance against cancer development. Brewer’s yeast is one of the best sources of Selenium, an important anti-cancer mineral. Comfrey and Pepsin tablets or tea along with papain if there is any indication of digestive insufficiency. Comprehensive mineral and trace element supplement, particularly rich in potassium.

Herbs: Chaparral tea, internally (particularly for skin cancer), eucalyptus oil (externally), milkweed plant (cancerillo), apricot pits (broken open to get the nut inside), garlic, violet (viola odorata) in poultice form for skin cancer, also in form of tea. Red clover blossoms as tea. Also, ginseng, golden seal, dandelion root, echinacea and Irish sea moss, (all internally).

Warning Signs of Cancer

1) a lump or thickening of the breast

2) change in a wart or mole on your skin

3) ulcer or sore that doesn’t heal

4) change in your bowel or bladder habits

5) persistent cough or hoarseness of voice

6) constant indigestion or difficulty swallowing

7) unusual bleeding or discharge

8) recent unexplained weight loss of 10 pounds or more.

The existence of one of these does not mean you actually have cancer, only that you should go and see your doctor. We strongly advise that when cancer is suspected, under no circumstances should “home remedies”, nutritional or any other kind, be tried. Instead, a reliable doctor, preferably a biologically oriented one, should be consulted immediately, and the patient should abide by the doctor’s advice regarding most suitable therapies, including the therapies described in this course. Since it is not likely that the methods of treatment described in this lesson will be “in accord with the consensus of medical opinion”, we are compelled to say that all information in this lesson is offered purely for educational and experimental purposes; as an objective scientific report, not as a recommendation or endorsement.

Be of good cheer – no matter where you work or what the air pollution index is in the city in which you live – if you make all the changes that you can to avoid cancer, you can trust yourself to the mercy of a compassionate prayer-hearing God. He knows how to bless our food and keep us safe from any harm that may be there unbeknownst to us. And if you already have cancer, trust yourself to the mercy of Jesus – the physician who never lost a case and use the remedies He has provided for us in nature.

Cancer risk can be reduced by a change in dietary habits by 35%-55%. We have to make the choice. Do we love to indulge our appetites or do we love life more?