Allergies, like many other health problems or abnormalities, can be caused by mental and emotional disturbances or stress. These are by no means the only cause, but we should understand this aspect in order that we can see the tie between our emotions and our chemical balance.
First of all, in all emotional stress situations, the sympathetic nervous system is called upon to respond to the stimulus, whatever it may be. The sympathetic nervous system has sometimes been called the sympatho-adrenal system because of the importance the adrenal glands play in its function.
It is an amazing chain reaction that occurs when a stimulation such as fear, anger, change in temperature, or even an over-active imagination is received by the nervous system. Heart action is speeded up, blood pressure is raised by a constricting action on the blood vessels, breathing becomes more rapid, and digestive functions slow down almost to a stop. Most of these changes are due to hormones released from the adrenals, which begin their action within split seconds after stimulation.
These same reactions often occur when certain drugs or toxins are introduced into the body. These type of body function changes are “defense mechanisms”. They make us ready to accommodate the needs we have under various conditions.
Now just imagine the body that does not respond as I have described because the adrenals do not pour out the hormones necessary to create the changes. A good example can be described – a cat had his adrenal nerve connection removed. The following changes were noted:
1. Capacity for muscular activity decreased by 35%.
2. The animal did not defend itself against cold by erection of hair and vaso-constriction of cutaneous blood vessels.
3. The animal had to be kept in a warm room or body temperature fell.
4. The animal went into shock when exposed to emotional excitement. (This is important as it shows the necessity of our response to the stress of life. If we don’t respond by raising our blood pressure, blood sugar, and our oxygen supply, then we have not accommodated the needs that the stimulus placed on our body, and serious consequences result.)
5. The animal developed allergic reactions to many foods and other chemicals that previously were not considered allergens.
Such changes represent no adrenal function and are severe, but decreased function would logically represent similar type symptom patterns – including decreased energy, allergies, temperature adaptation problems, etc. Since we are primarily concerned with allergies and the foreign substances that enter the blood stream and are not handled properly which produce the allergy, let us trace the beginning of an allergy.
A Foreign Protein – it can be pollen, drugs, foods, chemicals, etc. – enters the blood stream in an undigested state. The offending substance may enter in any of a number of ways – by the alimentary tract, through the lungs, through the skin or a break in the skin, or by injection. Immediately, signals are sent out for antibodies to attack this foreign organism and destroy it. The signals produce a number of hormones that facilitate the antibody release. Most of these hormones originate in the adrenal glands.
When the antibodies attack the foreign protein, their first purpose is to denature it by chemical action. This chemical action produces a by-product known as histamine. Histamine is a tissue toxin in that it causes vasodilation (the characteristic blood vessel enlargement which causes flushing sensations and a redness of the skin), and increased permeability of the blood vessel wall, allowing fluids to escape and thus bringing about localized edema or swelling. In allergies, this can exhibit itself as congestion in the respiratory tract or raised wheals on the skin, or an itching anywhere on the body. More serious internal effects can occur, including derangements, headaches, gastrointestinal upsets, diarrhea, asthma, sinusitis, etc.
Food allergies can often be corrected by increasing the amount of digestive enzymes, which break down the raw protein into amino acids. (Most likely offenders for food allergies are wheat
Hyperkinesis or Hyperactivity
Following the extensive research of Dr. Ben Feingold (Why Your Child is Hyperactive), it has now been documented that the cause of the hyperactivity is an allergy – usually to the additives in the foods such as artificial coloring or artificial flavoring. Since children respond so rapidly to any proper treatment, Dr. Feingold (and now many others) was able to show a dramatic improvement in children who had learning problems and were previously uncontrollable without powerful drugs. The average length of time was less than 10 days after artificial coloring and additives were removed from the diet, and symptoms immediately recurred when just one of the offending products was re-introduced to the diet.
Millions of parents, and most certainly the children affected, owe Dr. Feingold a debt that can only be repaid with thankful prayer. No amount of money can repay for the rehabilitation of even one of these children. It is sad to see that his program was not adopted as standard practice by all physicians. All too many are still prescribing the amphetamine drugs which literally turn the children into ‘zombies’ who are unable to learn properly or adjust properly to their environment. One wonders how many psychopathic criminals were really allergic victims who were unable to understand society or social order.
The Big Question
The big question that arises is why are some children allergic to the additives and others are not? Why are some women allergic to cosmetics and others, not? Why can some eat strawberries and others, not?
One of the most frustrating experiences an allergy victim has is the skin patch test. Here, various substances are taped or applied to the skin and if you react by redness of the area, then you’re allergic to that particular substance. Treatment then consists of desensitizing you to the specific allergen or allergens. After a 12 to 24 month course of weekly injections, you find that the old allergies are no more, but now the patch test reveals a whole new set that must go through the same procedure. It seems like you never get well, you just change allergies!
Of course, most allergy victims are not very resistant to other disorders either. They often “catch” everything that comes along, are anemic, and have low energy levels. All of these symptoms tie into that discussion we just had on the adrenal glands. When your adrenals are not working well, you lose stamina quickly.
Allergies are involved in two ways in the intestinal tract. Incomplete digestion of dietary protein may lead to the symptoms of allergy or food hypersensitivity. This accounts for the beneficial effect of administration of digestive enzymes to people suffering from wheat (gluten) sensitivity, who many times have their symptoms of allergy eliminated by the addition of the digestive aid. The primary allergic tissue reaction is one of swelling and congestion of the cells involved. The gastrointestinal tract is no different than any other tissue in this regard. The mucosa becomes swollen and congested when reacting allergically. The reaction can occur in any part of the tract from the mouth and lips all the way to the anus. Depending upon the area involved, the symptoms develop accordingly. In general, one of the most soothing elements for allergic reactions in the tract is aloe vera.
The second type of allergic involvement of the intestinal tract is that when the tissues are reacting allergically, they lose their naturally selective absorption powers. That is, the swollen and congested mucosal tissues lose their ability to be selective in the substances that they allow to penetrate. Case in point are the protein derivatives. Normally, amino acids, or basic units of proteins, are absorbed in through the intestinal mucosa. When these tissues are allergically affected, some crude or undigested protein can be absorbed. These more complex structures in themselves create more allergic reactions. It becomes a vicious circle, the more allergic reaction taking place, the more allergic tissue response develops.
Everyone with an allergy and most others are familiar with the term anti-histamine. This substance acts to neutralize the existing histamine and presto! the symptoms are relieved. Many associate anti-histamine with tablets, capsules, and sprays which are purchased in the drug store, but the body produces the finest and most effective anti-histamines available, and under normal circumstances does it so efficiently that the histamine is never a problem noticeable by the individual. Before it has a chance to create problems it is neutralized.
We should never forget how wondrous the human mechanism really is. Since histamine is a natural by-product of the denaturing process of a foreign protein in the body, natural anti-histamine is produced by the liver under normal circumstances. If the liver is ‘plugged up’ with fatty tissue and an excess of toxins which it cannot neutralize, therefore storing within itself rather than allowing them out in the general circulation, then there is a possibility of inadequate secretion of anti-histamine and allergies result.
In such cases, allergies clear up miraculously when the liver is detoxified. We have outlined a liver detoxifying fast later in this lesson and heartily recommend it for all who suffer from allergies. A backup mechanism lies in the adrenal glands which also produce an anti-histamine.
Back to the Adrenals
Almost all allergies have been treated with temporary success by the use of the adrenal hormones ACTH and cortisone. Now, if the adrenals were not involved in allergies, such treatment would not be successful, so let’s accept the fact that the adrenals are malfunctioning. Why are they not functioning properly? The answer usually lies in one area in my opinion – poor nutrition.
Studies have indicated that people suffering from allergies are woefully deficient in many nutritional factors, and quite often when these nutritional factors are supplied, the allergies disappear. For example, children suffering from asthma, hives, or eczema markedly improved when the only change in their diet was the addition of B Complex factors.
Another study had a 100% recovery rate from bronchial asthma and allergic eczema in 32 children who were put on a moderate protein, low fat, very low carbohydrate program, supplemented with a broad spectrum vitamin, (which you should be taking already as a part of your Miracle Makeover program.)
There have been many full recoveries from allergies. The way that it usually goes is that when the sufferer is younger the recovery is quicker. It seems that as you allow the deterioration of the adrenals to progress, it takes longer to rejuvenate and regenerate them. Instead of taking two months for a recovery as the children in the previously reported study, it might be four or six months recovery period.
Pantothenic Acid
A very important adrenal hormone, cortisone, cannot be produced without an adequate supply of pantothenic acid in the system. We know that cortisone is essential in preventing the symptoms of allergies. In fact, if an allergen is injected into an allergic person, the subsequent allergies are relieved by injections of cortisone. But if the diet of the allergic victim is supplemented with pantothenic acid for a period of time, the allergic reaction also disappears. Amounts of as little as 250 mg. per day have been effective but the best results were obtained by the use of up to 2,000 mg. daily.
Symptoms of Deficiency
Symptoms of pantothenic acid deficiency include a host of seemingly unrelated malfunctions but they are all connected to the sympatho-adrenal nervous system which relies so much on the adrenal glands.
Here is a partial list of symptoms:
Fatigue | Irritability |
Listlessness | Nervousness |
Poor Appetite | Mental Depression |
Digestive Disturbances | Quarrelsomeness |
Headaches Increased | Need for Sleep |
Recurrent Respiratory Infections |
Because of our peculiar biochemical individuality, the needs for certain nutrients may vary by as much as 3,000 percent. What this means is that some may function very well on 100 mg. daily of pantothenic acid while others would need 3,000 mg. to attain the same level of well being.
Vitamin B-6
Reports of anti-histamine effects from vitamin B-6 are another demonstration of the biochemical individuality thesis. We have no “magic bullet’ that answers all our needs in a particular problem. Since magnesium “spares” B-6 in the body, a deficiency of this mineral can also be a factor. Under most circumstances the amount of B-6 used is from 25 to 100 mg. daily.
Vitamin C
Another vitamin with anti-histamine properties, vitamin C has been used in dosages of 2,000 to 5,000 mg. daily in the treatment of such allergies as asthma, pollen induced allergies, and allergic coryza (runny, stuffed nose). It is very interesting to note that in animals able to manufacture their own vitamin C, an equivalent amount for humans would be a requirement of from 3,000 to 5,000 mg. daily. Many of the tests of vitamin C and its effect on malfunctions of the body have used dosages far too small to be considered effective.
Another benefit that vitamin C furnishes is its protection against cell membrane permeability. Increased cell wall permeability is a factor in allergies because the foreign proteins have easier access to the cell under such conditions. While we are on the subject of cell permeability, vitamin E plays a role in this, so an intake of at least 400 IU daily is suggested. And, vitamin A should not be left out because it protects and strengthens the skin and the mucous membranes lining the respiratory and genito-urinary tract.
Hypoglycemia and Allergies
Very often, diagnosed allergies are almost instantaneously relieved by the use of a hypoglycemia diet with adrenal support. In fact, a whole book entitled Goodbye Allergies was written on the subject. (Also, the VENYL DIET mentioned in the last lesson is an excellent short-term diet for anyone who suspects hypoglycemia and/or food allergies as the root of their problem. If you improve on this diet, you may be wise to investigate further the other possibilities, including Candida Yeast infection.)
The very close relationship between allergies and hypoglycemia is due to the common tie of malfunctioning adrenals. In both cases, when this failing is corrected, the symptoms disappear and all seems to be well. The important part, of course, is to be sure that biochemical balance is maintained in the body, then the stage is never set for disease entities like allergies and hypoglycemia to step in.
If you have an allergy and desire to allow your body to heal itself with a little intelligent help, you might consider the following:
1. Help your adrenals to function properly by offering them a full range of nutritional factors. (The Multiple-Vitamin Mineral supplement you saw outlined in Lesson #2 should be a good start for your adrenals.)
2. If it is a food-related allergy, add a digestive enzyme supplement to each meal. It is often best to use several tablets of such an enzyme with each meal for about one week, then gradually reduce the intake by one tablet each meal. This procedure will soon show you if enzymes are really helping because as you reduce the intake you will eventually reach the point where symptoms return and you know the enzyme level is too low. (Again, if you don’t want to become dependent on digestive enzymes, then consider avoiding the offending food or foods. Of great help to track the offending food down is the “elimination diet”. This is when you fast and then re-introduce foods one by one to your diet on a weekly basis so you can trace exactly what effect each food is having.)
3. Common sense will tell you that adequate rest and freedom from excessive emotional strain will assist your recovery. When stress is present, your need for certain nutrients takes a real upswing.
4. If your body is not releasing adequate anti-histamine from the liver, you should go on a liver cleansing fast. This is outlined further down in detail.
5. After cleansing your liver, the ideal way to choose your food is to follow a well-rounded vegetarian diet as has been described in earlier lessons.
Suggested Enzyme Formula
Betaine Hydrochloride | 120 Mg. | Comfrey Herb | 500 Mg |
Pepsin | 65 Mg | Papain | 100 Mg |
Lipase | 100 Mg | ||
Liver-Kidney-Bowel Cleansing Fast
One of the most important factors in any disease condition is the detoxification of the body. It should also follow that such a detoxification can be an excellent means of preventing disease and promoting good health. The following is a simple three day program which accomplishes detoxification of the major organs involved in retaining toxins in the body.
Materials Needed:
1. From 12 to 16 lemons daily depending on size. (If fresh lemons are unavailable you can buy pure concentrated lemon juice.)
2. From 2 to 3 quarts of fresh spring water daily.
3. Small amount of honey, rice syrup or other natural sweetener.
4. One bottle of an herb combination containing garlic, quassia, black cohosh, chaparral, fenugreek, echinacea, red sage and golden seal.
5. One bottle of dietary fiber tablets. (May be called bran tablets).
(As suggested in the earlier lesson on Fasting, you may want to consider taking a cleansing enema once or twice daily during this fast. In this way, you will minimize the amount of discomfort or weakness involved in eliminating toxins from your system.)
First Day: One and one-half cups freshly squeezed (or the equivalent of concentrate) lemon juice mixed with two quarts of spring water and a little natural sweetener for palatability. This will be your total intake of fluid and food for the day, so you may sip on it constantly during the day. Take 2 of the herb tablets both morning and evening. Take 8 dietary fiber tablets in the morning and 8 in the afternoon with a ten ounce glass of the lemon mixture.
Second Day: Repeat the mixing of approximately 2 1/2 quarts of the lemon juice – spring water – honey mixture and consume it during the day. Use 3 of the herb tablets morning and evening and 8 dietary fiber tablets twice daily.
Third Day: Repeat the mixing of the approximately 2 1/2 quarts of the lemon juice – spring water – honey mixture and consume it during the day. Use 4 of the herb tablets morning and evening and 8 dietary fiber tablets twice daily.
This is the end of the concentrated detoxifying, but the first week after this program is extremely important regarding the lasting benefits. The following suggestions as to eating should be observed:
Fourth and Fifth Day: Stop using the lemon juice, spring water – honey mixture, but continue the use of 2 herb tablets morning and evening. Also, use 8 dietary fiber tablets morning and afternoon. Drink all you wish of freshly made, raw tomato juice, carrot juice, grape juice (dilute the grape juice with about 1/3 to 1/2 spring water) or other freshly made vegetable or fruit juices. Eliminate citrus juices. Consume all the fresh spring water you wish.
Sixth and Seventh Day: Add raw fruits first on the sixth day and then on the seventh day, raw vegetable salad, maintaining herb and dietary fiber tablet intake as before. Be careful not to mix the fruits and vegetables at the same meal. Consume all the fresh juices that you wish, (one at a time).
Eighth Day: For breakfast, add lightly steamed vegetables and then for lunch add plain, cooked brown rice. For dinner, you may eat a small amount of yogurt and/or cottage cheese (with active culture) or take acidophilus tablets to help restore your intestinal flora. Continue dietary fiber and herb tablets twice daily as before.
Ninth Day: Reduce dietary fiber tablet intake to 4 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon. Continue herb tablets on a 4 daily basis. If desired, add a small amount of protein-type food at one meal (preferably the mid-day meal): legumes, nuts or other grains beside brown rice.
Tenth Day: Follow the well-rounded vegetarian diet mentioned earlier in the course; adjust fiber tablets according to personal need. Lower bowel gas and foul-odor stool are indications of increased need for dietary fiber. You may now discontinue the herb tablets.
REGARDING THE USE OF UNCOOKED FOODS- Let’s look at your diet from the aspect of how much of it consists of uncooked or raw foods. Many people go days on end with no more raw food than a smattering of lettuce or an occasional glass of fruit juice. The remainder of their diet is completely cooked! The eating of fresh, raw foods daily should never be left to chance. Two outstanding all-season foods are recommended as always being available: 1. Tomatoes and Tomato Juice; 2. Raw Cabbage.
Although raw tomatoes are usually best, canned tomatoes, without preservatives added, are on the list of acceptable foods. Tomatoes are one of the few vegetables which lend themselves well to the canning process. In fact, because tomatoes are canned at the height of their natural perfection, the food value can be higher than the hot house varieties sold in off seasons. The same applies to tomato juice, with both offering rich sources of Potassium, and Vitamins A, B and C.
Salads made with raw cabbage instead of lettuce can be one of the greatest surprises you have ever had. Cabbage in raw form is one of our richest sources of essential vitamins and minerals. It stores well, if not better, than any other raw food, keeping its nutrients beneath its protective wrapper in the leaves. It is indispensable to the success of this diet that high quality raw foods be included in the diet daily. Raw carrots, cauliflower, sprouts, celery, etc. are almost always available and can be used to excellent advantage.
REGARDING THE USE OF SUGAR AND PROTEIN AND/OR FAT COMBINATIONS- One of the little known deleterious effects of refined sugar is its reaction in the gastrointestinal tract with protein and/or fat combinations. First of all, let us establish that concentrated carbohydrates (sugars) stay in the stomach for only a short period of time since very little digestion is necessary. On the other hand, protein remains in the stomach for extended periods of time (up to 5 hours) because much activity must take place before the proteins can be passed on to the small intestine for absorption. Some fats also are broken down in the stomach and the presence of fat in the stomach slows down the production of hydrochloric acid which further delays the time of departure of stomach contents. When concentrated carbohydrates are mixed with protein or protein/fat combinations, the sugars tend to ferment in the stomach, producing gas. Adequate hydrochloric acid will prevent this to some extent, but the major cause of stomach gas is improper combining of food groups. Too many North Americans are accustomed to finishing off a good protein meal with a sweet dessert. For best nutrition, concentrated sweets should be eaten on an empty stomach; this includes fruits, fruit juices, etc., as well.
There are many sugar-protein combinations which may be easily avoided if one is on the alert; an outstanding example is eggs with orange juice. The fact that many foods contain a combination of protein and carbohydrate must be taken into consideration – such natural combination rarely gives much trouble as it is concentration of carbohydrate which produces the deleterious effects, these being proportional to the quantity present.
REGARDING THE USE OF FIBER FOODS IN THE DIET- As a natural laxative, without griping, diarrhea, or any of the other complaints we have about most laxatives, dietary fiber has no equal. Although many are not aware, they suffer from extremely slow movement of the digestive tract, (which of course, can cause many problems with health – including allergies). There are many evidences of such slow tract time:
1. Intestinal gas because of the fermentation of starches and sugars.
2. Diverticulosis due to the large amounts of fecal material pushing against the wall of the intestine, producing little sacs or pouches which then fill with waste material. This is an ideal circumstance for more putrefaction to occur which then discharges noxious matter into the tract which may be absorbed into the blood stream.
3. Hemorrhoids and varicosities can be blamed, at least in part, on the pressure exerted by the large amounts of material collected in the intestinal tract on the pelvic veins creating back pressure which balloons the veins in the hemorrhoidal plexus and in the leg.
REGARDING THE USE OF COMMON SALT IN THE DIET- People who use as much salt as they like may excrete nine times as much potassium, an essential mineral, as those on salt restricted diets. Actually, North Americans frequently consume 20 to 25 times as much salt as estimated sodium requirements recommend. If this is not counter-balanced with increased potassium intake, a borderline potassium deficiency state is easily brought about. Salt substitutes, mostly made up of potassium chloride, are often too bitter for anyone to stick with their use. We are fortunate in having a new 40-60 mixture of sodium and potassium chlorides on the market. This satisfies flavor requirements and you need not worry about the loss of potassium from using sodium chloride alone. This formula is available in most supermarkets and health food stores. (And, as we have seen, allergies are primarily a digestive disorder. If we can bring the digestive system back into balance by avoiding gastric irritants like sodium as much as possible and tracing from cause to effect in eliminating as many offending foods as possible this can give us time to heal our immune system.)