Week of Prayer 2004-2023

Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2023 – Theme: When Shall These Things Be
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2022 – Theme: Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and Savior, Jesus Christ
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2021 – Theme: The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2020 – Theme: Spiritual Growth
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2019 – Theme: Divine Love
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2018 – Theme: Spiritual Gifts
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2017 – Theme: Righteousness by Faith
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2016 – Theme: Prominent Reformers of the Sixteenth Century Reformation
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2015 – Theme: Gifts of Grace
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2014 – Theme: Looking Back–Looking Forward
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2013 – Theme: Treasuring up
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2012 – Theme: The Signs of the Times
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2011 – Theme: Unity in the Family and the Church
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2010 – Theme: The Church, Its Foundation, and Its Holy Mission
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2009 – Theme: The Problem of Sin and Its Solution
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2008 – Theme: Christ Our Righteousness
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2007 – Theme: The Three Angels’ Messages and the Other Angel
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2006 – Theme: The Beatitudes
Readings for the Week of Prayer – 2004 – Theme: Consider Your Ways