Sabbath, September 27, 2008
“And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.” Luke 10:9.
“How shall we reveal Christ? I know of no better way … than to take hold of the medical missionary work in connection with the ministry.…
“Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed. Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it. God grant that the importance of medical missionary work shall be understood, and that new fields may be immediately entered.” –Medical Ministry, pp 319, 239.
“The Lord will give you success in this work, for the gospel is the power of God unto salvation, when it is interwoven with the practical life, when it is lived and practiced. The union of Christlike work for the body and Christlike work for the soul is the true interpretation of the gospel.” –An Appeal for the Medical Missionary College, pp. 14, 15.
Jesus is our great Example. He was a great Medical Missionary. He taught, preached, and healed the people. He commissioned His followers to carry on the work of medical missions until He returns in glory. Others before us have taken the gospel health message and shared it with enthusiasm. This Reform Movement is indebted to the self-sacrificing work of the late Pastor Carlos Kozel and his co-worker Pastor Raul Escobar. They pioneered the work of health throughout the Americas, opening clinics, giving medical missionary seminars, and publishing health books and natural medicine encyclopedias. Others, like the late Dr. Ferdinand Drofenik, who established a beautiful sanitarium in Nonnweiler, Germany, have laid a foundation of healing based on the Holy Scriptures. What are we to do today to push forward the medical missionary work?
The General Conference receives many Macedonian calls to conduct medical missions around the world. Pastors urge us to devise new health literature and books for canvassing. Our workers in different parts of the world request practical medical missionary seminars.
To meet this need, professional medical personnel need to be engaged to assist in devising up-to-date health literature. Health DVDs, videos, compact discs, and Internet websites need to be developed to reach both the developed and the developing world with the wonderful health reform and temperance message. More medical teams need to be sent to Africa, Asia, Europe, the Pacific Islands, and the Americas to conduct medical missionary seminars. Our people need to be empowered with appropriate training and expertise in using simple remedies for common illnesses, in preventing disease, and in fostering healthy families.
Will you help us meet this demand by making a significant contribution to the Medical Missionary Department? Will you make a sacrifice and donate funds to this department so more doctors and health professionals can assist us at the General Conference and be commissioned to go to unions and fields to present seminars and workshops on health reform? Will you help finance the development of new health literature? Oh, I pray and hope that you will support us with your prayers and gifts. May Jehovah rophi bless you with health, peace, and love.
–Idel Suarez, Jr., Ph.D.
General Conference Medical Missionary Department Leader