Another year  is about to  conclude. For more  than 100 years,  this  Reform Movement has  upheld the gospel of Jesus Christ  and  the  sinner’s need  of sanctification before the  people of God  and  the  world. At the end  of each  year, the Week of Prayer readings are distributed internationally. Written  by pastors, after much meditation and  prayer  with  the  hope of strengthening the  faith  of the  flock  of  God,  these collective   articles address one  common theme and  goal.

In this  Week   of  Prayer, we  will read  seven  articles related to  Peter’s  Ladder  of eight  rounds mentioned in 2 Peter 1 :5-7. It is a spiritual  ladder of sanctification  which all must  climb to reach  heaven. Jesus is the  ladder,  and theeight rounds make reference to His holy virtues which He desires to see  reflected in His saints  and  the  elect. As every  believer,  by God’s grace, works on the  plan  of addition, climbing  step by step up  Peter’s  ladder,  God promises to compound the saints’ efforts  by working  on the  plan of multiplication. He will multiply and bless every sincere effort  to  adopt the  holy attributes enumerated by the  Apostle Peter. A new and  symmetrical  character resembling Jesus Christ will be the  result.

“Add  to  your faith  virtue;  and  to  virtue,  knowledge; and  to  knowledge, temperance; and  to  temperance, patience; and  to  patience, godliness; and  to  god li ness, brotherly kindness; and  to brotherly   kindness, charity. For  if  these things be  in you,  and  abound, they  make you that  ye shall  neither be  barren  nor  unfruitful  in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” 2 Peter 1:5-8.

‘”We must climb this ladder, round after round, remembering that God  is above  it, ready to help us in our efforts. We must  live upon  the  plan of addition, and  God has  promised  that  He will multiply His grace  to  us. Then with earnestness and  enthusiasm  he added  ‘Let us begin today to climb Peter’s ladder, never looking back.. .’II -The Signs of the Times, October 22, 1885.

“A new and symmetrical character may be formed by  laying up one  grace and  good deed upon  another, thus climbing  Peter’s ladder of eight  rounds in sanctification. A character thus  built wil l   be  ha rmonious i n all its paths. Fa ith wi ll sustain works, forfaith works by love and purifies the soul-”  -Signs ofthe Times, May6, 1880.

During the Week  of Prayer, it is of utmost  importance to gather at the  church, i n homes, or virtual l y to read the articles  contained herein.  Moments should be set  aside to  stop, med itate,  and  comment about th e  principles presented. Short  prayers should be offered on behalf  of God’s cause.

The last Sab bath of the Week of Prayer is a special day. It is a day of fasting and  prayer. The arti cle schedu l ed for that Sabbath should be presented as a sermon du ring the divine service.  A special offering  shou l d be  collected at the  end  of the  sermon for the  General Conference  This offering  is to  expand the  work of God  worldwide.  Each donor should place  thei r f unds  in an  offeri ng  envelope and  annotate their  favorite   Bible verse  on  the  back  of the  envelope. The  deacons, chu rch  elders, or  pastors present should read  those verses  aloud. The  treasurer should add   up the  sum  of the  offeri ngs  col l ected and later  report it to the  local chu rch  The offeri ngs received from  the  Week   of  Prayer  constitute  a  very  significant and  meaningful portion  of the  tota l   expendit u res of the church’s  international mission  expansion.

May God  bless the  readings, the  prayers,  and  the meditation of His word  as we enter a new year.  May H is Spirit abundantly bless each  one  who participates in this holy endeavor.

-The Brothers and Sisters of the General Conference